Mar 2025
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Athens 17°C

> new measures

> new measures

New Criminal Code from 1 May – Florides: When we say prison, we mean it…

See which offences lead to prison - The Minister of Justice in Thema: From May Day, the new philosophy of our penal system, of 'applied rather than fictitious punishment' will be tested - Part of the prison sentence will be served even for misdemeanours punishable by more than 2 years

Two Covid-19 tests per week for unvaccinated to enter shops from November 6

Plevris said that the vaccination campaign will be expanded with informative SMS to the citizens

These are the new Covid-19 measures to take effect from today

Hair and beauty salons open

New Covid-19 measures: Nationwide curfew from 12-5am, masks everywhere, reatsurants and sports venues closed in Attica and northern Greece

The measures will take effect from November 3rd