> Nikos Androulakis
> Nikos Androulakis
PASOK: Androulakis replaces Liakouli with Christidis in the Preliminary Inquiry on Tempi after their confrontation
"Listen here, madam," the PASOK leader is reported to have said to Ms. Liakouli during Wednesday's meeting, to which she replied, "I am not your madam; I am an elected MP of the party."

Tension in PASOK after the polls: “Listen, madam,” said Androulakis to Liakouli – “I am an elected MP, not your madam,” she replied
MPs and PASOK officials who witnessed yesterday's incident in the parliamentary group did not hide their concerns in private discussions
Mitsotakis’ red line with the “swamp” over Tempi and the counterattack – Debate before a no-confidence motion
The Prime Minister directed his fire not only at minor opposition parties such as Plefsi Eleftherias (Course of Freedom) and Elliniki Lysi (Greek Solution) but also at PASOK

PASOK: When and why did it change course on recruiting MPs? – The mix-ups in the candidate lists
After Rania Thraki, Petros Pappas follows - Reactions from ND and SYRIZA - The Political Center meets this afternoon

Government for Tempi: The theory of the cover-up is overturned with the new videos – Full frontal attack on Androulakis
There was no suspicious cargo on the freight train, say the forensic experts who examined them - The government believes that with the final certification of the authenticity of the videos, "another myth" of the Tempi case, such as the scenario of the existence of tons of xylene, will be debunked

Androulakis: Clear European decisions, common foreign policy, common armaments and Euro army required
"European leaders have a duty to stop sleepwalking and take decisions that will make citizens feel safe in every country of the Union. Decisions that are clear, with concrete steps," he said

Mitsotakis to Androulakis: “We subsidized cheap electricity for farmers for a decade – If you have a magic solution, move to SYRIZA’s benches”
"The government has raised barriers to protect farmers," said the Prime Minister – "The country's primary sector can and deserves better," said Nikos Androulakis