Mar 2025
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> Nikos Androulakis

> Nikos Androulakis

PASOK: Androulakis replaces Liakouli with Christidis in the Preliminary Inquiry on Tempi after their confrontation

"Listen here, madam," the PASOK leader is reported to have said to Ms. Liakouli during Wednesday's meeting, to which she replied, "I am not your madam; I am an elected MP of the party."

Tension in PASOK after the polls: “Listen, madam,” said Androulakis to Liakouli – “I am an elected MP, not your madam,” she replied

MPs and PASOK officials who witnessed yesterday's incident in the parliamentary group did not hide their concerns in private discussions

Androulakis: Next week we will submit a motion of no confidence

"We need a political change that respects the people," said the PASOK leader—his first comments following the publication of the EODASAAM report

Konstantinopoulos: “I trust the judiciary,” despite Androulakis’ statements

"There is an issue with the independence of the judiciary," Androulakis had said – Konstantinopoulos’ remarks contradict statements made by colleagues such as Apostolaki and Panas

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