Mar 2025
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> painting

> painting

Authentic Picasso painting found by junk dealer in Capri cellar

Luigi Lo Rosso, as reported by the British Guardian, found the painting in 1962 and took it home to Pompeii, where it hung in a cheap frame in his living room for decades

Van Gogh painting to be auctioned – Estimated to sell for up to $50 million

The painting Les canots amarrés (Moored Boats) by renowned artist Vincent van Gogh is expected to sell for a record-breaking price when it goes up for auction for the first time in 30 years. The auction will be held by Christie's Hong Kong on September 26

Climate activists throw soup at Monet painting in Lyon museum

The painting on display at the museum in Lyon was protected by glass

Artemisia Gentileschi used art to avenge her rape

The sexual assault of Artemisia & her unthinkable trial

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