> police
> police
Chrisochoidis presents the changes in the ELAS: The new structure at the Headquarters, the new Directorates & Departments and the Special Security Services
"The Police of the coming decades is being created, which does not follow developments, but plans by anticipating the future and the evolution of crime"

Parliament employee arrested after parade – attempted to write offensive slogans on the tomb of the unknown soldier
Police arrested her and she appeared in a summary court hearing yesterday afternoon – Watch video
Rhodes: “Check what I’m telling you, and you’ll strike gold” – See the letter that exposed the Urban Planning racket
The author of the letter sent last June to the Greek Police Internal Affairs described the operation of the racket and the luxurious lifestyle of its members

Which roads will close on Monday in central Athens due to the student parade for the March 25th celebrations?
Detailed information

Lyggeridis case: The full proposal of the prosecutor for the referral of Marinakis to trial
It accuses the president and leadership of the football club of "knowing the existence, operation, and actions of the criminal organization... providing assets and financial means, instructions, and information," and "inciting them to commit felonies." The trial of the actual perpetrator of the murder continues

A 49-year-old Turkish man wanted by Interpol was arrested in Thessaloniki – He was sentenced to 20 years in prison
The Turkish judicial authorities are seeking his extradition to serve the remainder of his sentence of 15 years and 10 months

Fraud uncovered in Drama: Scammers took €13,000 from elderly woman for fake surgery of a relative
Suspect identified

“Crusaders” clash with riot police and Theatergoers in Thessaloniki – Tear gas deployed by Greek Police – See videos and photos
Those gathered chanted the national anthem and said they disagreed with the poster chosen by Christoforos Zaralikos, which shows him with a crown of thorns, a tunic while holding money in his hands