Mar 2025
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> poll

> poll

MRB: 11.5 points difference between ND and PASOK, ten parties in the Parliament – Rage for the Tempi

The poll was completed on the Sunday of the rallies - 81.1% say that "probably or definitely" the government is not doing everything it can to shed light on the Tempi case - Mitsotakis' lead for the premiership is 15 points - The company recorded the party of Latinoopoulou at 8%

GPO poll: New Democracy recovers for the second month, PASOK falls, 10.1 points difference

SYRIZA rises by half a point, but is 5th party, while Kasselakis' party falls

Pulse: 14 points lead for ND, PASOK falls, Velopoulos and Latinoupoulou rise, 10 parties in Parliament

Mitsotakis' 22-point lead for prime minister - One in two people have a negative view of Tasoulas' candidacy for the presidency of the Republic

Metron Analysis: ND leads by 11.7 points, drop for Androulakis, Latinopoulou at 7.1%

A five-point drop in the government’s evaluation, a six-point drop in the main opposition’s evaluation – Ten parties make it into Parliament, with Kasselakis’ party and Niki barely crossing the threshold

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