Feb 2025
weather symbol
Athens 12°C

> rain

> rain

Weather: Forecast for the three days of Clean Monday

Rising temperature, rain and south winds - The temperature reached -9 degrees yesterday morning

Weather: The cold is receding, south winds & rain are coming – Which areas are affected

The forecast of EMY until Friday

Disasters caused by the bad weather in Kefalonia: Flooded roads, landslides and villages “drowned” by the rain

High rainfall in the southern part of the island, a "vast" lake was formed in the plain of Peratata - "The rainfall was unprecedented", says a villager - Serious problems face the road Poros - Skala

Weather: Bitter cold until the middle of the month – Light snowfall last night in Hippocrates State, Parnitha and Penteli

Where will it rain and where will it snow today - The EMY forecast until Wednesday

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