Mar 2025
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Athens 17°C

> retired

> retired

Pensions: Personal difference to be abolished – What changes will pensioners see

The government is considering reducing or abolishing the personal pension differential, giving pensioners access to increases they have been denied in recent years - The reform will put a strain on the budget but will boost the incomes of thousands of pensioners

Working pensioners: 27,000 declared their employment on the platform in one week

Labour Minister Domna Michailidou reminded that working pensioners receive 100% of their pension and not 70%

Paris mayor says she agrees with military chiefs who warned of the disintegration of France, as 18 of the officers are fired

"When you have a country plagued by urban guerrilla warfare, a regular & very high terrorist threat, we can't say that the country is doing well"

20 retired French generals call for military rule if Macron cannot halt society’s disintegration caused by Islamists

Political tensions ahead of the elections as Islamic expansionism tests the endurance of the French society