Mar 2025
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Athens 15°C



Mediterranean Monk Seal: Joint actions in Greece and Cyprus for its protection

The event is part of a broader effort of joint actions in Cyprus and Greece to enhance awareness on the highly significant issue of protecting the Mediterranean Monk Seal "Monachus Monachus"

U.S. Delta Force commandos and SEALs on standby to free hostages taken by Hamas

SEAL Team Six is an elite group of the U.S. Armed Forces shrouded in secrecy

Insider: Meet the secretive Greek military unit that NATO Special Operations HQ just rated as “combat ready” & “exceptional” (photos)

NATO's rating puts the ETA into an exclusive club alongside special-operations powerhouses like the US's Delta Force & SEALs

Greek Special Forces inspect a merchant vessel in application of the relevant UNSC’s resolutions on Libya Arms Embargo (photos)

Nothing suspicious was found during the VBSS (Vessel Boarding Search & Seizure) operation and the vessel was declared free to proceed on its way