Dec 2024
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Athens 11°C

> subsidy

> subsidy

At 1.4 cents per kilowatt hour the subsidy on September electricity bills

Electricity Demand Decreases in Autumn, Leading to Expected Drop in Wholesale Prices

“Renovate-Rent” Program: Increased 60% Subsidy to Apply Retroactively to Previous Applicants

Improvements to the "Renovate - Rent" program are expected to be announced soon, stated Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Sofia Zaharaki

Subsidy for car purchase up to 11,000 euros

According to newsauto and Piso Kinisi (Back Wheel Drive), the third subsidy program for electric vehicles will be generous for personal but not company cars

Subsidy of up to 40% for 12,500 closed properties – Increase in childbirth allowance

The relevant platform on gov.gr will open next week - The budget for this specific program is 50 million euros - Increase in childbirth allowance