Mar 2025
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> supreme court

> supreme court

Adilini requests the decision acquitting former Corfu prosecutor over missing case files

The Supreme Court Prosecutor took this action to determine whether there are grounds for filing an appeal

The “King of Diamonds” Benny Steinmetz is not extradited to Romania, according to a decision of the Supreme Court

The Criminal Division of the Supreme Court reversed the decision of the Athens Appeals Council, which had ruled in favour of his extradition in execution of the European arrest warrant

Supreme Court: divorcee lied to get more alimony and faces jail time

Penalty of up to three years and a fine when a divorcee falsely claims that he or she is not working to secure a larger sum, and is required to repay in full the sums received and pay compensation for moral damages - The case of a couple that reached the Supreme Court

Land Registry: “Freezes” for six months the claim of private property by the State

A comprehensive legislative regulation is coming, in accordance with the case law of the Supreme Court, for the areas where land registration is completed

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