> tempi
> tempi

Christos Triantopoulos: The 2+1 steps for referral to the Judicial Council for the Tempi tragedy
On March 28, the former deputy minister will be summoned for explanations in the Pre-investigation Committee - Following that, the parties will have ten days for their reports - The final report will be presented in the Plenary during the first half of April

Triantopoulos to appear before the Pre-Investigation Committee on Monday – PASOK, SYRIZA, KKE, New Left withdraw from the vote
Christos Triantopoulos, the former Deputy Minister, will appear before the Pre-Investigation Committee on Monday to provide explanations regarding his actions. The committee has decided by a majority to pursue criminal charges against him for the offense of dereliction of duty and refer him to the Judicial Council

PASOK: Androulakis replaces Liakouli with Christidis in the Preliminary Inquiry on Tempi after their confrontation
"Listen here, madam," the PASOK leader is reported to have said to Ms. Liakouli during Wednesday's meeting, to which she replied, "I am not your madam; I am an elected MP of the party."
Tempi Preliminary Inquiry: Decision today on Triantopoulos’ direct referral to the Judicial Council – Positions of ND, PASOK, and SYRIZA
At 12:00, the Preliminary Inquiry Committee will convene, with the "battle" set to start early in the Plenary Session. Legal expert Nikos Alivizatos explains why he supports this development

Opinion poll: ND leads by 12.2 points, Plefsi Eleftherias in second place with 15.9%
The government should focus on inflation and the Tempi tragedy, say citizens – Justice is the second most important issue after economic concerns – PASOK has lost 6.1 points since November

Tempi: New developments following Triantopoulos’ Request to be judged directly by the Judiciary – The end of the pre-investigative cmmittee and the clash with the opposition
The government believes that Triantopoulos' move has stripped PASOK and SYRIZA of key arguments, preventing them from staging a "show" in the Pre-Investigative Committee

Tempi, two years after the tragedy: The real story of the fireball
The unburned cockpit of the freight train overturns the EODASAAM report, which suggested the "possible presence of an unknown fuel" and fueled the latest conspiracy theory about the explosion