Parliament: The Pre-Investigative Committee will examine Triantopoulos before referring him to the Judicial Council
The majority proposes one more sitting to examine the former Deputy Minister, so as not to raise the issue of the invalidity of the procedure - The rapporteur says that the evidence is sufficient to draw up a report - The opposition insists on keeping the scope of the investigation in Parliament
Parliament: PASOK, SYRIZA, KKE, and New Left MPs walk out of Triantopoulos vote
The crucial closed-door session of the preliminary investigative committee on the Tempi case is currently underway, where members will decide whether to proceed with immediate prosecution and refer Triantopoulos to the Judicial Council for further action
Tempi: New developments following Triantopoulos’ Request to be judged directly by the Judiciary – The end of the pre-investigative cmmittee and the clash with the opposition
The government believes that Triantopoulos' move has stripped PASOK and SYRIZA of key arguments, preventing them from staging a "show" in the Pre-Investigative Committee