Mar 2025
weather symbol
Athens 21°C

> Turkish aircraft

> Turkish aircraft

The Turks continue provocations, as Turkish F-16s fly over Greek isle of Anthropofagoi

The fighters were intercepted by Greek jets

Turkish spy planes violate Greek airspace 29 times

The Turkish planes were identified and intercepted in accordance with international rules and established practices

Turkish Air Force violates Greek airspace 47 times – Greek and Turkish fighters engage in 7 dogfights

The Turkish aircraft were identified and intercepted in accordance with international rules of engagement by the Hellenic Air Force (HAF)

Turkey violates Greek airspace 22 times- Two dog fights ensue

Twelve F-16 fighters and one twin-engine ATR-72 turbine, 3 UAVs, 1 CN-235, and 1 helicopter flew in formations.

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