Mar 2025
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> US Ambassador

> US Ambassador

Jeffrey Pyatt: Greece plays a crucial role in the new global energy map

Jeffrey Pyatt emphasized the importance of Greece as "an extremely important ally" in energy developments

Kimberly is rebranding – Selling the house she shared with Trump’s son and coming to Greece

She is changing her style, leaving old habits behind – With the air of an emerging politician, she attends charity and social events, while deciding to sell the luxurious mansion in the "Dias" area of Florida

Kimberly Guilfoyle: I love Greece, it’s a blessing and an opportunity of a lifetime to be there (video)

The new US Ambassador was present at the Greek-American lobby's event in view of Trump's inauguration today

George Tsounis: America will not let anything happen with Turkey

Our Ambassador will always be here - Speaks proudly of his Greek ancestry, expresses his great love for our country, describes his family's journey from Mount Platanos to New York - "Smart and warm" he says of his replacement, Kimberly Guilfoyle

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