Mar 2025
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> weaponization

> weaponization

Ron DeSantis, Elon Musk & top Conservatives respond to Trump indictment (video)

Trump releases video message after being hit with second indictment

Shock and shame: Turkey sends naked migrants to Greece via Evros

The photo of the rescue of 92 illegal immigrants on Friday in Evros shows in the most vivid way Turkey’s inhuman instrumentalization of human beings

Cyprus’ “State of Emergency”: Turkey’s “weaponization” of illegal mass migration – Analysis

In 1974 Turkey invaded the Cyprus & forcibly displaced the indigenous Greek Cypriots from the north in a violent ethnic cleansing

A new caravan of Syrian refugees is moving from Turkey towards Greece & Europe

Analysts underlines that the caravan is one more attempt of Turkey to weaponize the illegal immigrants by pushing them towards Greece & the EU