Mar 2025
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> wokeness

> wokeness

Soti Triantafyllou to Danikas: Woke culture is a manifestation of decadence

The distinguished author talks about the Tempi tragedy, the Trump-Musk duo..."one is worse than the other" and the Left, which "I don't trust because I don't agree with its values ​​- and its hypocrisy in relation to these values"

Trans leader of the Zizians Cult arrested: Shock in the US over murders – Gender theories, Veganism & AI

The Zizians are linked to the murder of a US border guard in January near the Canadian border, as well as five other homicides in Vermont, Pennsylvania & California

US Secretary of Defense: The dumbest phrase in military history is that diversity is our strength

What he said in a speech to the Pentagon staff

Shock in London with Lego exhibit – The label and the gender theory

The exhibition has generated a variety of reactions from individuals and organisations defending gender "theory" but the museum has yet to make a statement

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