Cells of Fire group violently interrupts GD trial (photos)

Violent interruption of proceedings as members of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire group barged into the proceedings

The ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn trial taking place at a renovated jailhouse court within Korydallos prison was disrupted on Friday as unknown assailants threw water on reporters along with the usual threats and slogans.

According to sources, the young men who entered the court were alleged members of “Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire” gang, known for its firebomb attacks and anti-state rhetoric.

The situation again raised the issue of the unsuitability of the courtroom as a venue for the trial.

The trial of 69 GD members, including their leader Nikos Michaloliakos, is set to last for at least a year and will include the participation of 300 witnesses and 120 lawyers.