“The Kouachi brothers weren’t bright,” says former teacher

How did the father of 26-year-old Hayat Boumedienne react to his daughter’s crimes?

Just a few days after the cold-blooded incident at German magazine Charlie Hebdo and in the Jewish store which shocked France and the whole world, new information on the Kouachi brothers, Amedy Coulibalyand his companion Hayat Boumedienne see the light of day.

A former teacher of Cherif and Said Kouachi said the two brothers were at a boarding school that specializes is raising children with social needs. They were largely isolated from the outside world.


She told the London Times, that the Kouachi brothers took up sports, and showed a passion for football, while also taking regular lessons.



Francoise Ronfet is a retired biology teacher which in the past was particularly fond of Cherif. She admits that he was not especially bright, but showed a willingness to learn.

She had fewer dealings with Said, but said his level of intellect was ‘low’, while she also noted that she had noticed him praying but however, religion did not form a large part of his upbringing.

The father of France’s most wanted woman declared: “That is my daughter!” Ms. Boumedienne’s father, Mohammed Boumedienne rushed to authorities upon seeing a photograph of his daughter telecast following her husband’s murder of a policewoman and taking of four hostages at a Parisian deli. He was shocked and heartbroken by his daughter’s actions.