Theodorakis: You ‘torpedoed’ the cooperation in the summer- Tsipras: We all take extreme decisions

Prime Minister admitted that he overreacted when he did not agree on anything while SYRIZA was the main opposition party

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called the leader of Potami party, Stavros Theodorakis, to invite him at the leaders’ council to be held on Saturday 28 and reveals the dialogue between the two leaders.

The Prime Minister seems to admit that he overreacted when he did not agree on anything while SYRIZA was the main opposition party. Mr. Tsipras has reportedly claimed that in summer he was forced to conduct early elections instead of forming a broader coalition government, because his turn to memorandum had ‘cost’ him 40 deputies.

Read an excerpt of the dialogue:

Stavros Theodorakis: You were the one who ‘torpedoed’ the cooperation in the summer

Alexis Tsipras: I could not do anything else. 40 deputies had already left…

Stavros Theodorakis: When you were opposition, you didn’t agree on anything

Alexis Tsipras: We all- when we are opposition- take extreme decisions. This is how we are going to continue?

Stavros Theodorakis: Potami was from the day one in favor of a cooperation, even if we knew that  would cost us. But now we do not tryst you anymore…