Trip Advisor reveals the top vacation motivations for travelers

TripAdvisor has launched the new edition of TripBarometer, showcasing the Psychology of Travel

TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel site, announced recently the results of the latest installment of TripBarometer, the world’s largest traveler and accommodation survey, focusing for the first time on the Psychology of Travel. The biannual study, conducted on behalf of TripAdvisor by independent research firm Ipsos, highlights country, regional and global travel trends according to more than 53,000 travelers and hoteliers around the world, with more than 5,900 respondents from the U.S. The TripBarometer: Psychology of Travel report examines the motivations behind travelers’ vacation choices, traveler emotions at the various stages of a vacation and the post-trip impact of travel.

Regarding U.S. travelers, the report reveals that they prioritize unique experiences, family time and cultural enrichment. When asked what they want out of vacation, the top priority for U.S. travelers was to have unique and interesting experiences, according to 66% of respondents.

The Emotions of the Travel Lifecycle

The TripBarometer shows that the travel lifecycle is an emotional experience, as feelings ebb and flow throughout various stages of the trip: Booking, Arrival at destination, During the stay, Departing from destination and Back home.

Globally, men have a higher tendency to feel ‘knowledgeable’ (27%) at the booking stage, whereas women are more ‘excited’ (60%). Twenty-two percent of men report feeling ‘in control’ on departure and 15% of men say they feel ‘confident’ once back home, higher than the global average at both stages.
The Post-Vacation Impact on U.S. Travelers

When asked what a return from vacation is most likely to prompt them to do, the vast majority go about researching their next trip and also make some lifestyle changes:

1. Plan more vacations – 76% (66% globally)
2. Introduce new food into diet – 55% (38% globally)
3. Become more open minded and tolerant of others – 49% (45% globally)
4. Have more appreciation for home city – 41% (34% globally)
5. Focus more on relationships with friends and family – 31% (23% globally)