Tsipras challenges Samaras to proceed to Presidential election

Alexis Tsipras challenged Antonis Samaras to proceed without any delay to the presidential election of the President of Hellenic Republic, since he claims that he has the required 180 MPs

The leader of the main opposition party SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, is determined to keep on pressing the government and seems to watching with satisfaction that political discussion is focused on the sustainability of the government scheme on the occasion of the presidential election next spring.

Alexis Tsipras challenged Antonis Samaras to proceed without any delay to the presidential election of the President of Hellenic Republic, since he claims that he has the required 180 MPs. This action was not performed accidentally, but it was carefully planned.

Mr. Tsipras believes that Mr. Samaras has not the required presidential majority and he just bluffs to pressure independent MPs, but also to discourage potential allies of SYRIZA who would probably support SYRIZA on the issue of the presidential election and challenge early elections.

So, Mr. Tsipras responded to this by bluffing, too, since it is obvious that neither SYRIZA can gather the required MPs so as to block the presidential election.

The leader of SYRIZA counts on the government’s refusal to hold a plenary session for the “small PPC” issue, as it was asked in different ways and political demands by 139 MPs.

“When you are afraid of loosing the declared confidence of the Parliament, it’s funny saying that you have ensured the 180 MPs required for the election of President of Hellenic Republic” Mr.Tsipras said.