Tsipras finally asked why he picked expensive private schools for kids…

Only a genuine answer to the question was missing, however

Leftist SYRIZA leader was finally asked, in person, about his choice of schools for his two young sons, given that an expensive daycare center and kindergarten, respectively, were selected this month for his children, rather than a public school.
Tsipras, in line with SYRIZA’s standing policy, has been a long-time advocate of public education and an enemy of any attempt to allow non-profit, non-state universities to operate in the country. It was this ideological preference, in fact, that qualified a decision by the SYRIZA government to slap a 23-percent VAT rate on the education sector, instead of passing on the hike to … cigarettes or beef.
When asked during an interview, on the private Ant1 television station, the former PM said:
“For eight years there was not the slightest shadow on my family or myself, now everything is (allegedly) out, such as ‘who my wife is’? If my child goes to a private school? What my father did while alive, my mother, my sister, my brother…” was his response.