Tsipras: New elections for president in SYRIZA, not a three-year blank check to Kasselakis

Turmoil in Syriza’s Conference

In a move that seems like the ousting of Kasselakis through new elections for president in SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras unexpectedly made his move two hours before the scheduled start of the Positions Conference of SYRIZA, which is now covered in uncertainty.

The former Prime Minister and former president of the party of the official opposition pushes things towards an internal clarification, accusing the current president of seeking a “blank three-year check” regardless of the outcome of the European elections, which, as he claims, precludes an electoral failure.

Alexis Tsipras notes that Stefanos Kasselakis cannot seek a vote of confidence from the Political Secretariat, but must appeal to those who elected him, namely the party members.

He should proceed with a new election from the base, in a process where anyone can be a candidate.

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As he states: “The winner (Stefanos Kasselakis) is said to be seeking a blank check for three years, regardless of the outcome of the European elections, thus foreseeing electoral failure and also disregarding its consequences. While others disagree behind the scenes but silently wait for electoral failure to come, so they can blame it on him. Disregarding what this will mean for the party and the country. If things are like this, I cannot remain silent, nor can I attend a conference that has been scheduled to ignore critical problems in the name of a fake optimism. A conference where we will all pretend how beloved we are, and the audience will applaud us”.