Tsipras states that the road is long and hard

“We won the fight, but not the war”

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras characterized last night’s Eurogroup agreement as a deal which bridges the gap between the memorandum and the plan of the Greek government.


In his statement, he underlined that the battle has been won, but the “war” is still to be fought. He reiterated that hardship, and not just of a diplomatic nature, are still ahead.


The PM noted that with the Eurogroup’s decision, all of the former government’s commitments are, in essence, moot.


Mr. Tsipras also set the framework of the reformative measures which the list to be sent to partners on Monday, will include. He stated that this new deal will be the basis of needed reforms on combatting tax evasion and the humanitarian crisis.


He also repeated his government’s commitment for negotiations for the good of the good people.