Turkish man retrieves Holy Cross in Constantinople Theophany celebration (photos)

Patriarch Bartholomew blessed him

A Turkish national, baptised into the Orthodox Church retrieved the Holy Cross after he dived in the Horned Gulf during the moving ceremony of sanctification of the waters in Fanari by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

The man named Victor Galip Yavuz, 36 jumped into the icy waters and after catching the Cross reverently kissed it and gave it to the other swimmers. The 36-year-old Turk also received the congratulations of the Ecumenical Patriarch.

Speaking to OPEN TV’s main news bulletin, Victor referred to his great desire to take up the cross and receive the blessing, while explaining the reasons why he chose to be baptized a Christian.

More than 10 young people from the city and abroad dived into the cold waters of the Horn, and the Ecumenical Patriarch offered a golden cross as a blessing to the winner, while blessing and congratulating all the swimmers.

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