Vicky Stamati’s lawyer, Frangiskos Ragousis, states that there was no organized plan for her escape from the Dromokaitio mental facility where she is being kept after her breakdown in jail following her sentencing for money laundering crimes. The police are not convinced and are investigating the details of her escape which they suspect was aided by at least one woman.
On Saturday morning, Ragousis told private MEGA TV morning program “Mega Weekend” that a male acquaintance who knew Stamati had contacted him and told him where he would find her. “A man called me, he left me his number and he said that Mrs. Stamati gave him 2003 numbers, including my own, stating where she was and that she wanted to turn herself in. It was a surrender,” says Stamati’s lawyer. He states that he immediately called the prosecutor.
A psychiatrist is currently assessing her condition after she was found wandering around a churchyard near the facility where she had been held. “I must see my child now,” she had muttered, according to witness accounts.
Prior to Thursday’s breakout her fifth appeal for parole had been turned down. Stamati has been in custody since April 2012, her health is deteriorating and her son is also experiencing problems at the village where he is being raised by his elderly grandparents. Stamati was convicted for embezzlement and money laundering along with her husband, former socialist PASOK defense minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos.
Her escape has cast the spotlight on the ordeal of her family and there is a growing faction of society that believes that she should be released.
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