Vaping adults displayed “worrisome changes” in blood pressure and heart function, study finds

“The exercise performance of those who vaped was not significantly different than people who used combustible cigarettes even though they had vaped for fewer years”

People who vape experience “worrisome changes” in their blood pressure and heart rate immediately afterwards, according to a new study.

Researchers assessed the impact of using e-cigarettes among regular users, those who smoke traditional cigarettes, and others who consume no nicotine.

They took measurements of heart rate and blood pressure before and then up to 15 minutes after the almost 400 participants either vaped or smoked.

People who vaped or smoked were found to experience greater increases in both heart rate and blood pressure, whereas those who reported no nicotine use saw no changes.

Regular users of nicotine also experienced worse measures of heart rate variability and a constricted brachial artery, which is the major blood vessel supplying blood to the arms and hands.

Read more: yahoo