Equal Citizens of Greece

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The new video campaign by Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality and Diversity (Generation 2.0 Red), titled “Equal Citizens”, features a number of young people from different backgrounds in Greece explaining why they want to have the same rights as most of their peers. They talk about their feelings of “belongings” and young Greeks join in the video calling for their friends to enjoy the same rights as them. At the moment there are an estimated 200,000 children and young adults born and raised in Greece who are denied citizenship status because their parents are immigrants. This means that they are required to apply for a residence permit to live in the country they consider home. They don’t enjoy the same freedom of travel as their Greek peers and don’t have the same political rights. The group that created the video is collecting signatures for a petition calling on the EU and the Greek government to ensure that children born and raised in Greece can apply for Greek citizenship.