Tsipras calls 384-Euro pensions for farmers ‘dignified’, addressing his party members!

We fought against odds, Tsipras said on the negotiations with creditors

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras is addressing the members of SYRIZA’s parliamentary group, Friday, amid a media black-out. However, all private TV stations, Mega, Ant-1, Saki and Star have ignored the offcial strike called by the journalists’ union and are broadcasting Tsipras’s speech live.

In his attempt to justify his government’s policies, Tsipras went so far as to claim that the new Katrougalos (Labour Minister) bill would help nine out of ten Greek farmers be better off, despite the fact that the new legislation would cut their penions to a meager 384 Euros!

The Greek PM spoke of a ‘difficult’ deal referring to the ongoing talks between Greece and its creditors. ‘We were under no illusion that our efforts to save the pensions would be supported by those who made horizontal cuts in pensions every time the social security system was crumbling. We fought hard, and we ignored the voices calling for capitulation and disaster and we did it on our own’, said Tsipras. He went on to say that the majority of the Greek people recognised the government’s efforts, adding that the social security system will be back on track without slashing a single Euro from main pensions.