WSJ reiterates its opinion that the IMF should apologize to Greece

Simon Nixon insists that the organization keeps making the same mistakes

The IMF should “apologize” to Greece, as reiterated by a publication on the Wall Street Journal.

The newspaper continues to review and criticize the policies of the IMF and the predictions about the evolution of the economies of various countries, including Great Britain, to which, the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, has apologized.

The newspaper columnist Simon Nixon argues that the IMF refusing to adopt his proposal of an apology to Greece is saddening, since the organization forced the country to violently take further austerity measures at the end of 20113 in order to cover a budget hole that does not exit. The same, the journalist argues, happened with Spain, where the IMF’s forecasts were proven wrong. He added that despite the failed predictions and the economic recovery shown by these economies, the IMF continues to propose further fiscal and monetary stimuli measures which support austerity, something which pleases leftists in Europe but disappoints those who believe that the greatest obstacle to greater growth in the Eurozone is the lack of progress on structural reforms.