Avramopoulos tells Greek PM Thanou that 33mln Euros will be released for refugee crisis

First instalment of the total 450mln put aside for problem

Following his meeting with the President of the Hellenic Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos met Saturday with caretaker PM Vasiliki Thanou. The Commissioner told the Greek caretaker PM that 33mln Euros would be released within the next week in aid to Greece to deal with the explosive refugee crisis. The money is the first instalment of a total of 450mln Euro earmarked for Greece. More funds will be released based on the progress of works on the issue by the Greek authorities. Avramopoulos said that the grave matters of immigration and finance must not be exploited for petty partisan politics, adding that the government that will emerge from the September 20 elections must handle both with responsibility, wisdom and a sense of national cooperation. On her part, Thanou said the government is doing everything in its power to implement the measures agreed upon. She underlined that Greece expected the aid of the EU as the Greek state cannot cope on its own with the rising inflow of immigrants.

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