BBC accidentally tells viewers to “prepare for rape”!

A subtitle on a weather forecast broadcast live on BBC read “Prepare for rape on Thursday” instead of “prepare for rain”…

“People going to Glastonbury will want to prepare for rape”, was the phrase that was appeared in the subtitles of the weather forecast of BBC after the evening news of ten causing reactions to social media.

After spotting they had typed the word ‘rape’ instead of ‘rain’ subtitle writers quickly corrected the message. They wrote: ‘As we head into Thursday, people going to Glastonbury will want to prepare for rape because this rain is heading – prepare for rain because this rain is heading right for you.’

However, many viewers managed to take photographs of this blunder and posted the photos on the Internet including several critical comments for the British channel.


This was not, though, the fist BBC’s blunder. Earlier this year they rang in the new Chinese new year by welcoming viewers to ‘the year of whores’, when the announcer actually said ‘welcome to the year of the horse’.

It should also be noted that the weather forecast is extremely important these days for Glastonbury, since a three-day music festival is organized with artists from around the world participating and over 175,000 people attending.