Berlin: If Tsipras puts into practice all he says , there will be no more money from the EU

Welt, citing higher source of the German Ministry of Finance warns against isolating the Greek financial system

An article in the German newspaper Die Welt reveals the fearsome intentions of Berlin, should Greece go to elections and the government changes.

Executives of the German Finance Ministry speak anonymously in the article published on the newspapers website entitled ” The election that could throw into chaos the whole of Europe “.

The executives are clear as to the attitude to be followed in case Alexis Tsipras and SYRIZA take power. “If Tsipras comes to power and implements his promises Greece will not receive any more money from the European Union”.

The article also includes some of the pronouncements of the leader of SYRIZA for  higher wages and withdrawal of privatization, while highlights the statement Mr. Tsipras made from Heraklion for the markets, that they will dance the Greek traditional dance of pentozali.

As the author of the news article characteristically says “It is an illusion that could be dangerous not just for Athens but for the whole of Europe”.

The German newspaper addressed the same anonymous sources in order to find out if Berlin has a “Plan B”.

The same sources replied by saying that: ” we don’t need new plans, we already have a plan which talks about  isolating the Greek economic system. “