Britain: Jealous boyfriend disfigures girlfriend with a kiss (photos)

He was driven mad with jealousy

Jealousy is a serious sickness that in some – extreme – cases can drive a man crazy and lead him to commit terrible acts of violence. This is one of those cases: a 23-year-old man from Britain left his 18-year-old girlfriend disfigured after biting her during a kiss, driven by jealousy and insecurity!

The young man was tormented by the thought that his girlfriend would cheat on him while he was away for work.

According to the victim, her boyfriend, who was obsessing about imaginary infidelities, asked her to meet him. During their date, he tried to kiss her and asked her if she still loved him.

‘He put his whole mouth around my lips and pulled, I thought that my whole lip had come off. There was blood everywhere,’ the victim told the court.

According to the experts who testified at the trial, the 23-year-old man bit down on the victim’s lip with the same force that would be needed to bite through a 1cm thick piece of rubber.

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