The Municipality of Athens is offering free PAP smears to women from December 1-5 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The exams are offered to all women over 25 years of age regardless of whether they are insured. The medical exam is carried by health professionals of the municipal clinics of Athens. The test that aims to detect cervical cancer is simple and painless and lasts for 10 minutes. The test is recommended for all women.
The tests are carried out at the 1st Municipal Health Clinic (78 Solonos Street, Athens, tel 210 362 6478, 210 362 6587), at the 2nd Municipal Health Clinic (Fanosthenous and Freid Smith, Neos Kosmos on 210 923 7646 and 210 923 9885) and at the 4th Municipal Health Clinic (110 St. Sophia and Propontidos sts, Kolonos, tel 210 512 1921 and 210 512 0519)
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