GPO Poll: ND at 33.6%, 16.3% for SYRIZA, 13.5% for PASOK

The survey for the newspaper “Parapolitika” was conducted before the decision that excluded the Spartiates party

A strong lead for New Democracy over SYRIZA is recorded in a GPO company poll.

Specifically, according to the survey conducted for the newspaper “Parapolitika,” the governing party leads in the race for the European elections with a percentage of 33.6%. Following are SYRIZA with 16.3%, PASOK with 13.5%, Greek Solution with 9.1%, KKE with 8.8%, Niki with 3.4%, Course of Freedom with 3.1%, New Left with 2.7%, Spartans with 2.4%, Democrats with 2.2%, MeRA25 with 2.1%, and Other with 2.8%.

Of particular interest are the responses of citizens regarding the New Democracy candidates for the European Parliament. In response to the question “which of the New Democracy candidates for the European Parliament are you most likely to vote for,” Giorgos Aftias leads with 40%, followed (in the first “eleven”) by Eliza Vozemberg, Vangelis Meimarakis, Stelios Kympouropoulos, Pyrros Dimas, Fredi Beleris, Eleonora Meleti, Dimitris Tsiotras, Manolis Kefalogiannis, Thanasis Exadaktylos, and Voula Patoulidou.

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It is noted that the survey was conducted immediately after the announcement of the total number of MEPs from the ruling party and before the decision that excluded the Spartiates.