Greek KKE party condemns persecution of Communist Party of Ukraine

“The decision to persecute the party was taken in a climate of nationalistic hysteria,” Greek Communist Party underlines

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) condemned in an announcement “the unacceptable decision of the Ukrainian parliament to dissolve the parliamentary group of the Communist Party of Ukraine as well as the beginning of a trial to achieve a legislative ban.”

“The decision to persecute the party was taken simultaneously with a decision for mobilisation, in a climate of nationalistic hysteria, to continue the armed campaign in the east that has already caused much pain to the people of Ukraine,” KKE said.

“This proves once again that antipopular measures walk hand in hand with nationalism and anticommunism,” KKE added, condemning the “ideological and political descendants of Nazism in Ukraine, who climbed to power with a coup and the support of strong local business interests and foreign powers like those of the USA and the European Union.”