The new Greek Parliament was sworn in during a special ceremony at 11 a.m. on Thursday. The new lineup has been renewed by 45% as 134 of the 300 deputies are entering for the first time. Despite the change to the group’s consolidation, women are still grossly underrepresented, making just 23% of the group (69 seats).
Soon after the blessing of the Parliament, there was a classical oath-taking with a number of deputies from the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) opting for a civil oath instead of the religious one that requires Greek Orthodox members of the house to place their hand on the bible. One of the three muslim members of Parliament, all from the SYRIZA party, swore on the Quran.
This is the first time that the civil oathtaking ceremony will be held in Greek Parliament.
Highlights of the swearing-in ceremony:
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras rushed to greet former Greek prime minister Antonis Samaras and the General Secretary of the Greek Communist Party (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas.
Soon after the religious oath-taking ceremony, Archbishop Ieronymos called on the plenary to show unity and a spirit of collaboration.
Tsipras, the majority of SYRIZA, KKE and centrist Potami deputies prefered not to wear a tie. The same could not be said of Potami leader Stavros Theodorakis, who prefered a dark-colored suit and tie.
The Radical Left Coalition (RLC) has increased its strength with 78 deputies in relation to the 2012 elections. It currently has 149 deputies (105 men and 44 women) of which 87 are newly elected whereas 61 had previously been in Parliament.
The conservative New Democracy Party (ND) has 76 members, with 53 less than in the 2012 elections. 14 of the party’s members are newly-elected and there are just ten women in the group.
The ultranationalist Chrysi Avgi – Golden Dawn (GD) party reduced its parliamentary strength by just one seat and numbers 17 members. Four of these members have been elected for the first time and the group is comprised of just two women.
Centrist Potami is the only new party to enter Parliament. The group occupies 17 seats of which four are women. Only three of the deputies have been elected in Parliament in 2012 with the Democratic Left (DIMAR) group.
The Greek Communist Party (KKE) has increased by three deputies. five of the 15 deputies have been elected for the first time of which four are women.
The Independent Greeks (ANEL) are made up of thirteen members, three women, and the socialist PASOK has 13 members with two women.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is expected to give his programmed speech at 6 p.m. on Saturday.
The new President of Greek Parliament will be voted on Friday, February 13.
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