Greek PM: It is a historic day for Greece and the Balkans

He said a new country was born to the north of Greece

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras said it was a historic day for Greece, speaking to reporters following the ratification of the Prespes Agreemnet.

“We are protecting the legacy of ancient Greek Macedonian history. It is also a great day for the Balkans”, he added.

“Today we are writing a new page for the Balkans. The hatred of nationalism, conflicts and divisions give way to friendship, peace and cooperation ”

“I would like to thank the 153 members the House who despite the intense pressure they were subjected to managed to hold firm and put their patriotic duty above all”

“The next generations in both countries will be grateful to the MPs who, with courage and bravery, laid the foundations for a future of peace, solidarity and harmonious coexistence between the two peoples.”