A teen who watched porn for up to four hours a day told British DailyMailTV how her faith and family helped her conquer the destructive addiction.
The 19-year-old teen revealed she vowed to abstain from sex until she was married.
Gracelyn Sorrell, 19, said her first exposure to porn occurred at 14 years old when an explicit picture on social media triggered her ‘impure desires’ and prompted her to delve further into X-rated websites.
The teen said her habit took hold while her father was dying in 2013. She had been left behind in Chicago while the rest of her family traveled to Maryland to take care of her dad. It was during this time she was sexually assaulted by a woman who was a trusted family friend.
Shortly after, her father died and Gracelyn said pornography became a way to comfort herself and escape from the grief of losing her father and the assault.
Gracelyn is now a public speaker who travels around the US to share her experience with addiction.
The 19-year-old is also an advocate for abstinence and has made a vow not to kiss or have sex before marriage.
Gracelyn said: ‘I have had relapses. Not many, but I have had times where I just couldn’t fight it.’
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