A study of 2,000 adults about their ‘holiday sexpectations’ found that 52 per cent of respondents expected better sex whilst on holiday way, but 60 per cent admitted they didn’t. Durex condom company conducted a survey and 40 per cent of people said they are less likely to instigate sex if their partner is on their phone in bed. Forty one per cent said they can both be in bed together concentrating on separate phones rather than each other.Condom brand Durex launched a branded video off the back of a digital detox social experiment studying whether mobile phones and the likes ruin couples’ holiday sex lives.
The #DoNotDisturb documentary, from TMW Unlimited, sent six real couples on holiday with one caveat; they were to surrender access to phones, tablets, TVs and laptops.
It looked to highlight how the removal of digital distractions can help holidaying couples connect, with the condom brand protecting the couples from any unwelcome external surprises.
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