The workers of Hellas Gold, the subsidiary of Canadian gold mining company El dorado, decided to take action in protest against the Greek government’s decision to shut down the mining operations at Skouries, Chalkidiki, in northern Greece.
Speaking to the state-run news agency, union president Giorgos Chatzis said the 2,000 workers employed at the mining site will block roads at two points. Meanwhile, a company spokesman announced that it would proceed with all the necessary actions to suspend its operations in Skouries as of August 25, 2015, adhering to the decision by the relevant ministry of the radical leftist (and now moribund) government.
The Canadian multinational stated it will take legal action to repeal the now resigned Greek government’s decision, including filing an injunction before the Council of State and the Supreme Court. Greek Minister Panos Skourletis abruptly announced the suspension of operations of the site last week, with many believing it was a clear political move in light of the snap elections that were announced a day later – a “wink” to radical SYRIZA’s anti-capitalist and pro-environment voters.
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