The (Un) Orthdodox priest and his “hottie” god-daughter in Washington Heights scandal (see viral vids)

Father George Passias online sermons have gone viral in a mad scramble to find the sex tape leak

Holy furor erupted this week when Father George Passias, aged 67, was caught having “cake” sex with his younger 45-year-old “spiritual goddaughter”, Ethel Bouzalas.

Rev. George Passias and Ethel Bouzalas for Sunday
Eyebrows had been raised at the church for years as the relationship between the priest and the Peruvian woman whom he baptized in a bikini sparked controversy.

The Peruvian was not only volunteer principal at his school, but all the church’s treasurer. There were complaints made regarding the parish’s financial situation.
Appeals had been made as far back as 2006 to the Manhattan-based Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in America. The Peruvian, married to a Greek, is mother of three, whereas the priest has four children himself. Both married, they were described as inseparable. One former church handyman had seen the priest’s assistant sitting on his lap.

Rev. George Passias Foot Fetish video

While the church was falling apart, Father Passias poured money into school renovations and moved his office to the school. Matching marble finishes in both the priests and his lovers’ offices stirred further controversy, especially after the financial overseers were removed from the church and Bouzalas was named the key signatory on church bank accounts. Then there was the question of a $3.5 million mortgage.

Here he is with the wife and kids –


Here’s Father George Passias sermon on god-parenting –

His sermon on evolution –