Unconfirmed reports claim tax on … luxury holidays (by the locals)

What’s certain is that the leftist Greek government wants to avoid raising VAT rates

The latest “peculiar” scenarios involving the leftist Greek government’s “tax safari” reportedly claim a “luxury tax on expensive holidays”.
If the unconfirmed reports hold any substance, they would, of course, affect local taxpayers.
According to reports on Sunday, such a prospect would be tabled in negotiations with EZ creditors, ostensibly in a bid to allay pressure by lenders to increase VAT rates in Greece’s island destinations – which currently enjoy lower rates.
Wednesday’s urgent EuroWorking Group meeting, via teleconference, will probably decide whether such a “class-based” tax is real or not. Top island destinations and five-star hotel stays are, according to unconfirmed sources, under the “tax man’s” microscope.