Where can we put the refugees? World's wealthiest offer their mansions!

Bob Geldof, Naguib Sawiris and Juha Sipila are just three wealthy men interested in opening their homes to offer relief to refugees

The musician

Live Aid mastermind Bob Geldof, aged 63, offered to open the doors of his home to ease the refugee crisis after seeing pictures of Syrian Aylan Kurdi’s lifeless body washed up on a Turkish beach.

He said he and his partner, Jeanne, would personally house refugees. “I’m lucky. I’ve a place in Kent and a flat in London – me and Jeanne would be prepared to take three families immediately in our place in Kent and a family in our flat in London, immeidately. And put them up until they can get going and get a purchase on their future,” he said.

The tycoon

Egyptian telecoms billionaire Naguib Sawiris stated his willingness to pay up to $100 mln for an island to house. He tweeted his plan:

‘Greece or Italy sell me an island, I’ll call its independence and host the migrants and provide jobs for them building their new country’.

The politician

Finland’s wealthy Prime Minister Juha Sipila followed the lines of Egyptian tycoon Naguib Sawiris and said on Saturday that he is willing to make his home in the north of the country available to refugees. He said his home in Kempele would be ready to welcome refugees from early 2016.

Sipila has another house near the capital of Helsinki as well as a government residence, hence his home in Kempele is of little use and ideal to offer shelter to refugees. He hopes that by setting this example, other acts of generosity would follow suit. “We should all take a look in the mirror andask how we can help,” he told national broadcaster YLE.

The visit he extended came after public outcry in Finland over the opening of refugee reception centers around the Nordic country that is not used to mass immigration.

Finland’s government has doubled its estimate for the number of asylum seekers in the country this year.