Sexual visual stimuli is everywhere. From strippers to lipstick, pornography, dance, burlesque, elaborate hairstyles, oils, muscled bodies, tight clothes, lingerie and more. From gyrating bikini clad girls to lip biting, these charged sensual cues surround us and affect us. But just how do they do that, exactly?
Men and women are a little bit different when it comes to erotic stimuli, but there are some similarities too!
When men receive visual stimulation a lot of things begin to transpire such as faster heart rate, increased blood flow, erection, and pupil dilation. The reward center of their brain lights up and they may experience a tense, giddy feeling.
Visual stimulation is a powerful part of male arousal, and contributes to sexual excitement and enjoyment overall. Visual stimulation gives men strong erotic cues and feeds their desires, stimulating fantasies and the imagination.
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