Winner of 9.5-mln-euro lotto ticket partially … surfaces, as lawyer steps forth

Meanwhile, a SYRIZA MP takes to FB to celebrate the fact that a Pakistani migrant was the big winner — after falling prey to an… Internet hoax

The lucky winner of more than 9.5 million euros in the “Joker” lottery game may not have appeared so far, but two of his, or her, attorney visited the “lucky” betting parlour on Tuesday.

According to the betting pools operator OPAP, the multi-million-euro ticket cost a mere … three euros.

The ticket was submitted at a parlour in the Kypseli district of central Athens.

The mere fact of one sole winner of a cool nine-and-a-half million caused a mini furor on the Greek-language Internet in subsequent days.

One urban legend widely circulated was that the Joker winner was a Pakistani migrant, who, in fact, even gave an interview to that country’s “Al Zouahri” newspaper. Even a statement was circulated, namely, that the lucky migrant was going to bring his family to Greece and “live lavishly”.

The “bogus story”, something not uncommon on the Internet, apparently “tickled the fancy” of at least one leftist deputy from Achaia prefecture, the television sitcom actress Maria Kanellopoulou.

She wrote on her personal Facebook page — that’s something made available by a listed, for-profit US-based company created by top private university nerds — this:

“hahahahahahahaha….What do I hear???What do I read????… A Pakistani won the Joker??????There is a God, after all!!!!”

A clarification over the divine reference could be pending, maybe on Tweeter, Google+, Instagram, a real Pakistan newspaper, who knows?