Twitter trolls Tsipras with hilarious comments during ERT TV interview (read tweets)

Tsipras explained the inexplicable and Twitter users mocked the situation

For another night, Twitter added its own stigma to the interview that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras gave to public broadcaster ERT on Monday night. The hashtag #tsipras_ert caught fire on Greek Twitter, and here’s what twitter users had to say:

Indicative tweets:

Battles and battles fought! Take a break…

Alexis, left when you enter or when you leave?

What do you expect to hear from Alexis Tsipras?

I heard Tsipras speak of the “stone years of memorandums” (bailout agreements). It’s well-known that now we don’t have a memorandum but Monday, December 7.

We’ve already left the memorandum and he’s saving it as a surprise gift for New Year’s Eve.

The Prime Minister admits that he doesn’t know if negotiators agree or disagree and now you know how closely he is following the “negotiation”

I feel safe with the 153, I’m not afraid of the cliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifffffffff – gdoup.

To be the most incompetent man in Europe and to have ND (main opposition conservative New Democracy party) across from you…

Prez, as soon as your deputies bring it back, then the next morning I’ll give mine too…

We don’t have a prime minister, we have a TV star

At ERT they’ve heard nothing about the ‘kolastirio’ (prison conditions – another popular hashtag) so they’re not asking the prime minister. You should be ashamed.

Tsipras is good. Hopefully some day the government will turn into action all it dreams of

Why are you dizzying us with social security? Head for a referendum – Should pensions decrease? So that we can all say NO and be done with it.

In a fair parallel universe, when the man who made NO–> YES says the word ‘democracy’ a lightning bolt would strike him

He’s spoiled.

He’s right when he says Lesbos has 15,000 residents. The other 70,000 residents live in Mytilini!!!

PM Intervew on state television!!!

The storyteller (old show) returns to ERT

After decades, centuries perhaps, worth of searching, Greece has finally found its own Cardinal-Duke of Richelieu! Long live Alexis!

Did he give us the JOKER numbers? Because I missed the finale.

We, all the left of the world,  are shaking with pride that John Kerry said good words

But of course… with 300 euros around 5-6 people can survive. Cut pensions some more so that we don’t starve.

(In response to a tweet where Tsipras states: Unemployed family members live off retirement pensions today)

It would be fun to drop a video of Tsipras and what he was saying exactly a year ago.

Charitos questions are like they had been given before. Tsipras answers immediately, like he knows them by memory.

Tsipras: The nation has a voice in power. We showed this with the referendum.

Sorry folks… did you vote NO????