“Five years of sacrifices can be lost in five days” warned government vice president, foreign minister and PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos on Saturday, during his speech at a PASOK event on health issues, held in Thessaloniki.
“What we experience in the last days” he said referring to the markets’ reaction “is the danger for our country”. Mr. Venizelos wondered what will happen if a new president is not elected and we have early elections in which a SYRIZA-Independent Greeks government is formed. “The best case scenario will be a political scam, but the scenarios of absolute disaster and annulment of the people’s sacrifices all exist, because it is not very hard for the system to collapse».
Venizelos likened the country’s problems to a hydra “We have to struggle with a hydra. Every day, new problems may emerge” he said.
Regarding his party, he reiterated that many people charge it with “treason of its core principles and values” but they do not understand the huge work that PASOK has carried out for the country and admitted that his party fuelled the perception of statism and the clientele relations but has changed course and is now continuing strong, focusing on positive cases like PASOK’s efforts in the Health sector.