In an interview with private “Skai” TV in the morning of Sunday, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras attacked Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the main opposition SYRIZA party, by accusing him of supporting an economic system – that of Venezuela – that has been proven ineffective time and again.
Mr. Samaras characterized the main opposition party as a modern day “Tower of Babel” where every member has a different idea about what their program should be.
Moreover, he accused Mr. Tsipras of only being open to cooperation with anti-EU parties like KKE and ANTARSYA, noting that calling SYRIZA a pro-European party can is a “joke”.
With regard to the opinion polls that point to a victory of the main opposition party, the Prime Minister said that SYRIZA’s lead is within the margin of error.
He also noted that majority of the undecided voters want Greece to remain in the Euro zone and will therefore more likely to vote for New Democracy in the upcoming elections.
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